Thursday, February 17, 2011

Val-en-tine or Veil in Time 1.5

Returning to this subject to make things more clear, as the research and communications through the veil have been ongoing. Much knowledge and information is yet to be had.
While we were able to cut some shortcuts by already knowing the origins of the Jovian gods, and get a more immediate answer that this is a remake of Lupercalia/Saturn/Horned worship, there is so much more symbolism that can be looked at in the rituals of Lupercalia. Such as that the hill the blood rituals took place was named Palantine, where Rome apparently was founded, and this took place right next to if not in the cave of Lupercal. This was dubbed the Wolf Festival because men were said to become wolves during this day. To me this would mean they had a rite of passage in to the brothers of the wolves, or what is a goat-worship occult (Faunus/Pan/Azazel/Satan/Saturn/Sat). Those who became wolves were then considered to be fertile and also in a literal sense have much sex with a randomly chosen woman from a box of names. These women, before coming down back into the city, were striked with februas (goatskin thongs) and in ritual this would "make them fertile". Gazing into this idea, I get a sense that they did this in belief that the fertility gods have chosen for them who they shall mate, and the name pulled from the box is "destiny". This can say a lot as to why many have this sudden urge to find a partner during this ritual day, because, it comes from the desire of the fertility gods and from the lull of their musical flutes (phallus/penis).

The priests of the brotherhood of the wolf, or unveiled, the priests of Sat, would cover their bodies in the blood of the sacrificed animals (while wearing goatskin), and from this comes the symbolism of red in the heart of Valentines (of course, a heart looks nothing like this symbol!). The symbolic heart is not a heart at all, and people are fooled into this idea all too easily, and what this symbol is is the gateway into the feminine matrix. In other words, the opening into the vagina.

So thus now you can see why there is an arrow striked thru the heart, as it is a sign that the phallus has penetrated the matrix and thus life is seeded.

Lupercalia has been a ritual for the preparation of Spring, to make sure absolutely, that it will be a fertile year for the gods and in fractality, the humans. For Sat, this means more fruit to be harvested and it would only make sense because Saturn is the god that not only seeds the life, but harvests once coming to fruition.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Val-en-tine or Veil in Time

If an arrow of a cupid shot thru the heart can make some one fall in jove, then perhaps it would be wise to take a look at who this jovian hitman works for. A brief peak into this lineage of the goat-horned deity and the Satin Veil that is casted out over any one who makes their day for this pyrit Valentine; a wolf in sheep's clothing.

So the day most know as Valentine's is a day celebrating this certain saint, while also celebrating romance that was said to be inspired by the acts of this mysterious man, or many men as it now is known. Lupercalia was a day celebrating the being Lupercus/Pan, whom is a god of fertility and music. Perhaps the harp/heart commonly brought up during Valentine's is a connection to this, and more so a connection is made between romance and fertility, and that Lupercalia was celebrated as quite sexual in nature and has no doubt been the inspiration of or more so evolved into what is now known as Valentine's Day. Now, where this gets interesting looking into the lineage of these horned goat gods, is that Pan and Faunus are the same. Faunus being Roman, and taking a look at either, show that they are related to none other than Saturn and is another name for Satan, both names which the root is Sat.

Pan was later known for his music, capable of arousing inspiration, sexuality, or panic, depending on his intentions.

From the Code to the Matrix by James Evans Bomaer III (, which I found suitable for the mentioning of Sat:

"El A.K.A Saturn A.K.A Father Time for short was the God known to rule the Age of Aquarius which we now find ourselves in again as of February 14, 2009 Valentines Day. The symbol of Valentines day is a heart being pierced by an arrow, it is the esoteric symbolism of when our Universe known as the Sagittarius Dwarf would be passing through the heart of the Milky Way crossing into the Parallel Universe B for a Galactic lineup. At this very moment while we are crossing the Great Divide an opportunity that has been proclaimed for Aeons is taking place for those who are in the know."

Faunus is considered the grandson of Saturnus aka Saturn, while Pan is the son of Zeus who is none other than Jupiter, son of Saturn! Thus, Pan is the grandson of Sat!

Now, as for these Saints...
These religious icons are still a part of a Saturnalian hierarchy and that is incredibly clear when you study the connections between Jesus, Zeus, and Jupiter, thus sending you back to El / Saturn (which El means "god" and Jupiter, son of El "god" would mean he is JeZeus).

from the Code...
"Reason 18: The Brotherhood of Saturn is in big service today underpinning various organizations. Depicted below are the Inner Circle. The Outer Circle consist of all of the religious projects erected for global domination. This is Sat.
Saturday, Satan, Santa (Satan), Saint (Satins), Sabbath, etc. Sir, Sur, Sar, Ser, and Sor are all Names for the Serpent energy, ye shall know them by their works."

Saint/Satin Valentine's skull. The symbol of a patriarch of the serpent is decorating this resting place. The Chi-Rho, a fertile serpent. Chi = serpent (phyre energy), Rho = to produce.
Saturn, god of fertility. Hm.

Christianity/Catholicism  and the Jesuit Order are none other than a present day extension of the Saturnalian/Sat worship that predates the mainstream religions by over a millenia. These holy fathers, these "pa"triarchs of god (El/Sat) are pirates/pyrits, and it is a pirate that would fool a man to get what they want (missions ring a bell/bel/ba'al?). They seek mastery over serpentine energy/phyre (Archons/Arc-Cons). There are reasons why Sat is considered the father of gods and is worshiped as a fertile one, and thus there are reasons why Valentine's is a cunning plan of the worship of this god. These pyrits, or "holy fa-thers/pa-tri-arch", are the same as the priests who had dressed up in goatskin in ritual sacrifice for the horny goat gods of Sat. What has been cloaked is the worship/warship of these deities and replaced simply with the Saint, which now that you would know is a Satin, which you could call a priest of Sat.
Pierst by the phallus of a fertility god the worshipers have become...

Know that St. Valentine, or Sat Vale I shall call him, had become a hermit to live in a cave along with his siblings, one of whom was named Fructus. The fruit filled with sweet nectar on a fig tree. A reference to fertility is made. Connecting this to Romulus and Remus of the Lupercalia holy-day/holiday.
Ro/Rho/Roe, as an egg or fertile or fertile egg.
Remus which is Sumer backwards (worship of their christ Bel/Ba'al) and Sulumor (Solomon) is Romulus backwards which guaranteed these men are all worshipers of Sat, a god of fertility. Perhaps Remus is a distant cousin to Re the sun-god and could agree with what I have to say about him. (Re=Bel)

It could be that Sat Vale is actually a symbolic character that depicts all of these icons through time that had brought about the worship of Sat/Sa the serpent energy. Thus is why there is the Pa-Tri-Arch, which serves the gods with the tri-dents, or symbolically those who have sourced their power from the snake. Many of you may have already learned of these beings, the Archons/Arc-Cons.

The sweet nectar of the activated kundalini which is the result of a fertile spirit/spear/s-pyrit. Stolen by those who no longer can come into fruition on their own, the dracons.

These Saints are 'Satins' because they are none other than a part of a religious umbrella agenda for Saturnalian worship, or specifically the claimed "evil" Sat.
Knowing that Sat has both its connections to El "god", and Satan/Azazel, it should be more clear now that what is considered to be the monotheist worship of God has actually created a schizo idea that God and Satan are two different things. When in actuality, Satan/Sat is a god and Sat is what many would refer to as "THE god", El. As for the reference to Azazel, whom is a goat-horned deity and is none other than Satan once again. "Azaz" to mean rugged and "El" which means god. Azazel would show that indeed Pan/Faunus are of the lineage of the gods and specifically the serpent, which is by the way a phallic symbol aka penis. Getting quite romantic already eh (a day of religious sex. religious = ritual). Or shall I say this is quite the horny holiday (Azazel/Pan, haha!). Quite the red day today too... man in red hmm...

"In Roman mythology, Lupercus is a god sometimes identified with the Roman god Faunus, who is the Roman equivalent of the Greek god Pan.[2] Lupercus is the god of shepherds. His festival, celebrated on the anniversary of the founding of his temple on February 15, was called the Lupercalia. His priests wore goatskins. The 2nd-century Christian apologist Justin Martyr mentions an image of "the Lycaean god, whom the Greeks call Pan and the Romans Lupercus,"[3] nude save for the girdle of goatskin, which stood in the Lupercal, the cave where Romulus and Remus were suckled by a she-wolf. There, on the Ides of February, a goat and a dog were sacrificed, and salt mealcakes prepared by the Vestal Virgins were burnt." ~wikipedia

Let it be known that goat sacrifice is a ritual to the deity Azazel, the scapegoat!
Azazel the scapegoat. Decoded Sa Seal; the serpent's seal which is Seal of Solomon and which the star of Saturn is used.

To complete this, I would now like to absolutely say that Valentine's Day is rooted from the  holiday known as Lupercalia, which whom the church would have rather covered this up as more of a superseding of the original holiday. While there is quite the veil casted over the origins of Valentine, I had said to a friend that the echos of this name says to me rather it is a Veil in Time. But it has become so clear tonight that this holiday has its true origins within a Saturnalian ideology and as a final word... if the name Valentines originates from Roman religions, then looking at the connections to Romance, or being Romantic. Quit these Roman antics and see that you have been fooled into a horny goat's fetish ha!

Saint Valentine. Sat's Veil in Time.

Do you seek? Do you see knowledge?
Let us decode red.
Red = root chakra = sexual parts (penis/vagina)
The root is associated with the snake/serpent, thus red = serpent.

The man in red = Santa/Satan.
Romance is an arrow (phallic) through the heart. Perhaps then what is being symbolized here is that the Valentine's program is to drop from the heart chakra to the root and well: sex in the name of Sat's holiday!! Oh, he surely would love/jove that. Haha!

It is amazing that Josh Reeves has provided some grand information regarding Lupercalia and the connections to Val-en-tine's Day. If you wish to know more of this day, and get into the literal history, then I recommend listening to this episodes of the Global Reality (internet radio): 
from this you can get some information more grounded into the events that take place within Lupercalia ritual and what the Sat priests had become a part of. Thank you Josh!