Thursday, February 17, 2011

Val-en-tine or Veil in Time 1.5

Returning to this subject to make things more clear, as the research and communications through the veil have been ongoing. Much knowledge and information is yet to be had.
While we were able to cut some shortcuts by already knowing the origins of the Jovian gods, and get a more immediate answer that this is a remake of Lupercalia/Saturn/Horned worship, there is so much more symbolism that can be looked at in the rituals of Lupercalia. Such as that the hill the blood rituals took place was named Palantine, where Rome apparently was founded, and this took place right next to if not in the cave of Lupercal. This was dubbed the Wolf Festival because men were said to become wolves during this day. To me this would mean they had a rite of passage in to the brothers of the wolves, or what is a goat-worship occult (Faunus/Pan/Azazel/Satan/Saturn/Sat). Those who became wolves were then considered to be fertile and also in a literal sense have much sex with a randomly chosen woman from a box of names. These women, before coming down back into the city, were striked with februas (goatskin thongs) and in ritual this would "make them fertile". Gazing into this idea, I get a sense that they did this in belief that the fertility gods have chosen for them who they shall mate, and the name pulled from the box is "destiny". This can say a lot as to why many have this sudden urge to find a partner during this ritual day, because, it comes from the desire of the fertility gods and from the lull of their musical flutes (phallus/penis).

The priests of the brotherhood of the wolf, or unveiled, the priests of Sat, would cover their bodies in the blood of the sacrificed animals (while wearing goatskin), and from this comes the symbolism of red in the heart of Valentines (of course, a heart looks nothing like this symbol!). The symbolic heart is not a heart at all, and people are fooled into this idea all too easily, and what this symbol is is the gateway into the feminine matrix. In other words, the opening into the vagina.

So thus now you can see why there is an arrow striked thru the heart, as it is a sign that the phallus has penetrated the matrix and thus life is seeded.

Lupercalia has been a ritual for the preparation of Spring, to make sure absolutely, that it will be a fertile year for the gods and in fractality, the humans. For Sat, this means more fruit to be harvested and it would only make sense because Saturn is the god that not only seeds the life, but harvests once coming to fruition.